Healthy Relationships

Understanding Healthy Relationships: Equality Wheel

Teen Equality Wheel

Consent & Boundaries: Partners communicate to one another about their limits, needs, and expectations. Partners respect each other’s privacy, and can safely say and hear “yes” and “no”.
● Being able to talk about how often you want to and can hang out or communicate with one another.
● You and your partner feel safe and comfortable when saying no to one another.
● You are able to openly express what your limits are around personal time, and sharing passwords, locations, etc.

Trust: Partners know they are physically and emotionally safe in their relationship, and that they can rely on each other.
● People can hang out with their friends without their partner questioning where they are or what they are doing.
● You know your partner will not share your secrets, personal thoughts or information with others.
● You can ask your partner for support when you are feeling sad, overwhelmed, or vulnerable without fear of judgement.

Support: Partners encourage each other’s interests and are there for one another through the good times and the bad times.
● People feel that they can go to their partner for help or advice for what they need, or give you space if you need it.
● Partners can help each other access resources and seek support services.
● Your partner believes in your abilities, and provides words of encouragement when you need it.

Personal Freedom: Each person is safe to make their own choices, knowing that their partner will respect and support them.
● People feel like they can spend time with friends and family even though they are in a relationship.
● You can make your own choices and decisions without fear or influence of your partner’s opinion.
● You and your partner encourage each other to express themself, grow and become their best self.

Respect and Shared Power: Partners value one another’s opinions, equally weigh in on relationship decisions, and similarly prioritize the relationship.
● Partners can openly and safely share their opinions even if they are different from their partners opinions.
● Each partner makes an effort to get to know their partners' friends or family.
● Each decision about the relationship is made together (you decide together what movie you want to see or where you want to go for dinner). One person doesn’t have more input or say on a decision.

Communication: Partners have honest, respectful, conversations and can work safely through a conflict.
● Partners can speak openly and feel free of judgement.
● You and your partner can share thoughts and feelings honestly, even if you disagree.
● You feel heard and understood when you speak to your partner

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