Our School-based Prevention Education is a comprehensive presentation series that provides young people with a safe and welcoming space to discuss healthy friendships and dating relationships, learn about the impacts of interpersonal violence, and become empowered with nonviolence and healthy relationship skills and support resources. These presentations fulfill the requirements of the California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) that mandates California youth receive education on relationship abuse and healthy relationships in middle school and high school. Our presentations utilize individual self-reflection activities, group discussions, and multimedia tools to engage youth in honest and open conversation about violence prevention and healthy relationships.
Based on the sensitivity of the topics and the communal nature of the presentations, the school-based prevention education presentations are best suited for 36 participants or less. We are also willing to tailor our presentations to meet participants’ needs. Some activities catered towards small groups may have to be adjusted for larger ones.
We offer the following school-based prevention presentation series:
- Communities for Nonviolence High School Series (Grades 9-12)
- Healthy Heart, Healthy Communities Middle School (Grades 6-8)
- Elementary (Grades K-5) under development
We look forward to serving you! Please email our Community Education Manager to learn more or request our services below!